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Media Release - April 26, 2023 Council Meeting Highlights

Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2023 03:18 PM

For immediate releaseApril 26, 2023

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held April 26, 2023.

Revised Homelessness Prevention Program Investment Plan Approved: Council has approved a revision to the 2023-24 Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) Investment Plan that was approved March 22. 

Community Support Services Manager Brooke Coutts explained the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced new funding allocations for HPP following the release of the provincial...

Media Release - Lanark County's 2023 construction projects outlined

Posted on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 12:54 PM

For immediate releaseApril 25, 2023

Lanark County's 2023 construction projects outlined

Lanark County’s 2023 construction season is underway! In 2023, the public works department plans to complete pavement preservation on 27 kilometres of roads, with rehabilitation and paved shoulders scheduled for 21 km.

The total capital budget for this year is $11.9 million, with the federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), formerly known as the federal gas tax, covering almost $2 million, and $1 million...

Media Release - April 5, 2023 Council and Committee Meeting Cancellation

Posted on Wednesday, April 05, 2023 04:59 PM

For immediate release

April 5, 2023 Council and Committee Meeting Cancellation

Due to inclement weather the April 5th, 2023 Lanark County Council and Committee has been cancelled. Rescheduled dates will be posted shortly.

For more information/media interviews, contact:Jasmin Ralph, ClerkLanark County613-267-4200E-mail:

Media Release - Declaration of Significant Weather Event

Posted on Wednesday, April 05, 2023 04:57 PM

For immediate release 

Declaration of Significant Weather Event

As per Regulation 239/02 of the Municipal Act 2001, due to significant ice rain as of 4pm Wednesday April 5th, 2023, Lanark County has declared a significant weather event. This declaration suspends the standard timelines required for Lanark County to meet their winter maintenance objectives until the municipality declares the significant weather event has ended. It may take longer than usual to bring the condition of the roads back...

Media Release - New tourism and corporate relations coordinator joins county

Posted on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 01:31 PM

For immediate releaseMarch 29, 2023

New tourism and corporate relations coordinator joins the county

Lanark County is pleased to announce Vanessa Dow has been hired for the Tourism and Corporate Relations Coordinator position in the Clerk's department starting on April 3.

Dow come to the Lanark County position with experience in business development, tourism, event coordination, partnership development and executing marketing strategies, most recently with the Smiths Falls & District Chamber of...

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