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Media Release: County Council February 10, 2020

Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 09:10 PM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, Feb. 10.

 Council Commends County Staff During Pandemic:

Council passed a motion commending the staff at Lanark Lodge, the county’s long-term care facility, and in the social services department for their work throughout the past year during the pandemic.

 The county has remained committed to protecting the health and safety of all residents and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic while taking prudent...

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Public Notice: Lanark County Municipal Trails Sub-Committee Seeking Members

Posted on Friday, February 05, 2021 02:40 PM


Lanark County Council is seeking volunteers to join its Lanark County Municipal Trails Sub-Committee, for a two-year term, as public members, to provide input and perspective from a local point of view.  Applicants must be 18+ years of age, and a resident of, or own property in Lanark County. 

 The sub-committee has a mandate...

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Media Release: Program aims to reward sustainable actions

Posted on Monday, February 01, 2021 11:54 AM

Program aims to reward sustainable actions

Are you a local business committed to sustainability and climate action? Check this out!

Lanark County has joined the Strategic Associate Program as part of its climate action strategies. aims to connect conscious businesses and people committed to sustainability by promoting sustainable actions and products through their platform. Businesses can apply for and be awarded for 12 badges upon fulfilling the requirements.


County Council Media Release - January 27, 2021

Posted on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 07:25 PM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, Jan. 27.

Council Designates Child Care Mitigation Funds: Council has approved an allocation of mitigation funds to support child care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The recommendations were made in a report presented to the community services committee earlier this month and include using $500,000 to assist licensed child care providers with costs not covered by Safe Restart Funding in 2020. It would...


County Council Media Release - January 14, 2021

Posted on Friday, January 15, 2021 08:30 AM

Media Release: Lanark County Council Highlights - JAN 13, 2021

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, Jan. 13.

Council Takes Steps to Address Housing Crisis: Council has approved five recommendations following a special community services committee meeting that updated councillors on the growing housing crisis for precariously housed individuals.

 Housing Manager Shawna Stone provided an overview to councillors outlining the increasing needs and...

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