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Media Release: Roadside Pollinator Habitat Restoration Pilot Project Underway

Posted on Monday, May 24, 2021 01:30 PM

Roadside Pollinator Habitat Restoration Pilot Project Underway


PERTH, Ont. May 20, 2021 - Lanark County is launching a new roadside restoration pilot project in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) to create critical pollinator habitat for species at risk including Monarch butterflies.

“The long-term goal of Lanark County’s Vegetation Management Plan is to restore pollinator habitat on roadsides which reduces maintenance costs, improves pollinator habitat, and stores more...

County Council Media Release - May 12 2021

Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2021 08:37 AM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, May 12.

 “Connect Lanark” Broadband Program Created: Council has authorized the creation of the “Connect Lanark” program, which is designed to help low-income families to achieve broadband Internet installation.

 This follows a presentation by County CAO Kurt Greaves at the economic development committee meeting last month. The program is part of the 2021 budget for broadband initiatives and is in keeping...

Media Release: Lanark County outlines construction projects for 2021

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021 10:46 AM

Lanark County outlines construction projects for 2021

In 2021, the Lanark County Public Works department plans to complete pavement preservation on 36.4 kilometres of roads, with rehabilitation scheduled for 24.1 km. and paved shoulders scheduled for 19.3 km.

 The total construction budget for this year is $8.35 million, with federal gas tax funding covering $1.9 million and $510,000 covered by Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund funding.

“The county has a five-year planning process approved...

County Council Media Release - April 28, 2021

Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 08:40 PM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, April 28.

 Air Conditioning Upgrades Planned at Lodge: Council has authorized proceeding with adding ductless air conditioning units to the D Wing at Lanark Lodge at an estimated cost of $320,000 and, due to time constraints, to waive the purchasing policy and source to current service providers for installation.

 This follows a report by Lanark Lodge Director Jennie Bingley at the community services...

Media Release: Lanark County’s Enhanced Adopt-A-Road Program

Posted on Thursday, April 22, 2021 04:00 PM

Lanark County’s Enhanced Adopt-A-Road Program

The Enhanced Adopt-A-Road Program is a way for environmentally conscious citizens and groups to contribute to a better environment and more beautiful County Road System. This program also provides awareness of the challenges the County faces in maintaining clean roadways and managing noxious and invasive plants.

Businesses, church or school groups, community organizations and informal groups of three or more volunteers may adopt sections of county roadways....

Media Release: County of Lanark hires new Director of Lanark Lodge

Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:03 PM

County of Lanark hires new Director of Lanark Lodge

 County of Lanark CAO Kurt Greaves is pleased to announce the appointment of a new director of Lanark Lodge to replace current director Jennie Bingley.

 Ms. Carey Duncan will commence her duties at the Lodge on May 25th. 

 “We are extremely excited to welcome Carey in her new role,” said Mr. Greaves. “She brings to the position a variety of skills, knowledge and experiences in long-term care and healthcare that will enable...

County Council Media Release - April 14, 2021

Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021 08:49 AM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, April 14.

Council Supports Flood Mapping Technology: Council has authorized funding up to $111,000 toward the acquisition of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for the county in partnership with local conservation authorities.

At the economic development committee meeting last month, CAO Kurt Greaves highlighted a November 2020 presentation by representatives of Rideau Valley and Mississippi Valley conservation...

County Council Media Release - March 24, 2021

Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2021 09:09 AM

Here are the highlights from the regular Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, March 24.

 Council Sets 2021 Taxation Policies: Council has passed by-laws related to 2021 taxation policy, including tax ratios and levy apportionment to local municipalities. It also eliminates tax reductions for vacant and excess land subclasses as of Jan. 1, 2021, refunds the county’s portion of landfill taxation to the local municipality and adopts provisions to reduce the number of capped properties...

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