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Pubic Works Text

Lanark County Media Release - Public Works Construction 2022: May 18, 2022

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 01:51 PM

Lanark County outlines construction projects for 2022

In 2022, the Lanark County Public Works department plans to complete pavement preservation on 23 kilometres of roads, with rehabilitation scheduled for 32 km and paved shoulders scheduled for 34 km.

The total capital budget for this year is $11.265 million, with federal gas tax funding covering $1.9 million and $1.19 million covered by Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) funding. The province increased OCIF funding by $1 billion over...

News text

Lanark County Media Release - May 11, 2022

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2022 03:18 PM

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, May 11.

Procedural By-Law Amended for Electronic Meetings: Council has amended its procedural by-law to incorporate processes for electronic participation in meetings and a policy for livestreaming. This follows a report by Clerk Jasmin Ralph at the corporate services committee meeting last month to consider the permanent adoption of electronic participation in meetings by council members in both a hybrid and electronic...

What's new text

Lanark County Media Release - New Deputy Clerk: May 5, 2022

Posted on Friday, May 06, 2022 02:36 PM

Lanark County Council is pleased to announce a new deputy clerk has been hired and will commence in the position on May 30.

The deputy clerk position provides administrative research and support to the CAO and clerk along with the warden and members of council. This includes assisting with provision of council/committee services and administrative support in the day-to-day operations of the county.

Megan Beson brings more than 14 years of experience in progressively senior positions within the not-for-profit...

What's new text

Lanark County Media Release - April 28, 2022

Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2022 02:34 PM

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, April 27.

Solar Panel Project Continues: Council has approved phase 2 of a solar panel installation project with Isolara Solar Power at Lanark County Housing Corporation community housing buildings (7 Arthur St. in Carleton Place and 77 Harvey St. in Perth). The budgeted cost is $239,000.

At the community services committee meeting earlier this month, Housing Services Manager Shawna Stone explained council awarded a contract...

Municipal words

Public Notice Concerning Amendments to the Procedural By-Law

Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2022 02:12 PM


The Council of the Corporation of the County of Lanark is hereby giving notice that amendments to the Procedural By-Law will be considered at the May 11th meeting of County Council.  The purpose being, to update various sections to reflect legislative requirements.

The meeting will commence at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Lanark County Administration Building, located at 99 Christie Lake Road, in Perth. 


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