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Lanark County Council Chambers

Lanark County Media Release - February 23, 2022

Posted on Monday, February 28, 2022 09:49 AM

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, Feb.23.

Investment Plans for Housing and Homelessness Funding Approved: Council approved two investment plans for provincial funding streams related to housing and homelessness programs offered through Lanark County Social Services. Shawna Stone, Housing Services Manager, presented a report at the community services committee meeting earlier this month outlining the recommended allocations.

The Community Homelessness...

Housing support

Lanark County Media Release - Community housing update: February 11, 2022

Posted on Friday, February 11, 2022 02:56 PM

Lanark County continues to increase community housing

In consultation with partners, clients and the community, and by using a multi-pronged approach, Lanark County continues to take steps to address the complex issue of housing.

At the community services committee meeting this week, Director of Social Services Emily Hollington provided an overview of activities related to the county’s 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan. The plan, which was approved in 2019 and is reviewed every five years, includes...

County Offices Closed Effective Immediately

Posted on Wednesday, January 05, 2022 09:49 AM

In light of the provincial announcement regarding Ontario’s return to a modified Stage 2 as part of its COVID-19 response, please note that all County offices are currently closed to public access.

All services remain available. Staff can be contacted by phone at 613-267-4200 or 1-888-952-6275 or by e-mail. General e-mail for Social Services can be sent to

Although remote service is encouraged, if you do not have access to e-mail or telephone, you can attend a County office for...

Development Charges By-Law Virtual Public Meeting

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2021 03:58 PM



 On Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 3:00 pm the Council of the Corporation of the County of Lanark will hold a virtual public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the County’s proposed development charges by-law and underlying background study.

 All interested parties are invited to attend the virtual Public Meeting of...

County Council Media Release - October 13, 2021

Posted on Friday, October 15, 2021 03:48 PM

County Approves Expansion of Urban Settlement Area in Almonte: Council has passed a by-law approving an official plan amendment (No. 11) to its Lanark County Sustainable Communities Official Plan (LCSCOP), as well as a modified approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 22 of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Official Plan, allowing for the expansion of the urban settlement area of the Almonte community.

This follows a report by County Planner Julie Stewart to the economic development committee...

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