Lanark County Media Release - August 24, 2022

For immediate release Aug. 24, 2022
Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Aug. 24, 2022.
2021 Auditor’s Report Accepted: Council accepted the 2021 year-end audited financial results presented by KPMG LLP at the corporate services committee meeting earlier this month.
Lead Audit Engagement Partner Lori Huber with KPMG Enterprise Eastern Ontario outlined the work done with the county’s management team in the audit process this year and indicated there are no significant outstanding items and a clean audit opinion has been proposed.
Carole Fuller, associate partner with KPMG, added net financial assets grew by about $11 million in 2021, with tangible capital assets increasing to $130 million. “Significant assets are in buildings, including Lanark Lodge and the social housing unit stock,” she said. Sixty-two per cent of the assets are in roads and bridges, which represents about $80 million.”
Reserves have also increased. This ties into the asset management plan, “which marries forecasting for needs and how it will be funded.” She said the county is in a good reserve situation. “The county is poised for capital investment and also for contingency.”
The pandemic had a significant impact on social programs in terms of revenue, with $13 million invested into capital assets. As well, the number of households has grown over the year along with assessment. “The trend analysis shows the county is stable,” Fuller said. “There is nothing there that would have the province saying there is high risk in the municipality.”
Huber added they are continuing to make sure municipalities are prepared for a new standard that is coming related to asset retirement obligation, which will affect the county. “The new standard will require a full inventory of assets and what the potential liabilities will be.”
Huber and Fuller expressed thanks to the management team for their work with them on the audit process. For more information, contact Kevin Wills, Treasurer, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1323.
Phase Two of New Child Care Program Outlined: Council received a report on the second phase (2023) of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC) and has approved an application package along with policies for the application process, subsidy, workforce compensation and absenteeism. The package and policies are for local administration in accordance with the Child Care and Early Years Act and provincial guidelines.
Director of Social Services Emily Hollington explained at the community services meeting earlier this month that the CWELCC system is taking a phased-in approach up to 2026. “The focus for 2023, or phase 2, includes affordability (fee subsidy) and workforce compensation. The ministry is planning for targeted engagement this summer and fall to discuss the funding formula, child care workforce, inclusion and expansion.”
Hollington said starting in January eligible parent fees will be reduced by an additional 25 per cent for a total reduction of 50 per cent from rates charged in March 2022. Licensees will charge parents the new reduced fee and the county will reimburse licensees the 50 per cent reduction. Workforce compensation funding supports Registered Early Childhood Educator staff who are low wage earners. Increased compensation is intended to achieve system growth and increased access to high-quality licensed child care.
Council also authorized staff to redirect funding to enhance overall affordability and improvements of the child care system when priorities for CWELCC initiatives are met and excess funding remains.
The 2023 allocation for the county is not yet known.
In addition, council approved a new formula for determining general operating funding and expansion affordability funding starting January 2023. Hollington explained the general operating funding supports a range of child care operating costs. Originally a points system was approved by council in 2015. With CWELCC announced this year, the point structure needs to be changed to fund the higher costs associated with spaces for younger children, particularly due to the higher child-to-teacher ratios for children under age six. “The goal is for licensees to be funded on the actual cost to provide a service,” Hollington said. “The new funding approach better reflects the cost per child care space.”
For more information, contact Emily Hollington, Director of Social Services, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 2101.
Next Steps for Municipal Tools for Affordable Housing Presented: Council accepted the “Municipal Tools to Support Affordable Housing – Next Steps” report, and staff will return to the community services committee in September with a proposed Affordable Housing Capital Grant Program.
Director of Social Services Emily Hollington presented the report to the community services committee earlier this month, which was developed with SHS Consulting and contains 44 recommended actions in policy and regulations, funding, partnerships, and awareness and advocacy over the short, medium and long term. Many actions will become part of the county’s official plan update.
Policy actions include developing and implementing a monitoring process for the annual housing targets that involves coordination with municipalities. For funding, recommendations include establishing an affordable housing fund to finance incentives and other initiatives, and to consider a small grant to homeowners to rent out homes that have been vacant for two years. Awareness and advocacy includes convening a Yes In My Backyard team to raise awareness of the need for a diverse housing supply, as well as working with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and municipalities to host a housing summit.
Hollington also presented options related to updating statistics with the 2021 census figures, as requested by council. Council approved the option to update data from Statistics Canada, CMHC and the province, and to undertake a point-in-time scan to identify house prices for the current year, and update the housing needs analysis for the county and each of the study geographies. The cost is $28,288 plus HST.
For more information, contact Emily Hollington, Director of Social Services, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 2101.
Upcoming Meetings: County Council, Wednesday, Sept. 14, 5 p.m.; Community Services, Sept. 14 (following County Council); Corporate Services, Sept. 14 (following Community Services). County Council, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 5 p.m.; Public Works, Sept. 28 (following County Council); Economic Development, Sept. 28 (following Public Works). Watch for details about public access to meetings on agendas and through online notifications. For more information, contact 1-888-9- LANARK, ext. 1502. Like "LanarkCounty1" on Facebook and follow "@LanarkCounty1" on Twitter!
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