Pollinators like bees, flies, butterflies, moths, beetles, and hummingbirds are in decline, but they provide essential services like pollination that support our economy and our environment. To make a difference for pollinators, we need large scale changes to land management and improve pollinator habitat. You can find more information about pollinators on the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s pollinators page.

Check out what Lanark County is doing for pollinators in our rights-of-ways by visiting our roadside restoration page.

The Great Canadian Pollinator Pathway

The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) is partnering with landowners to build an interconnected wildflower meadow habitat across Canada in a great Canadian pollinator pathway. Rights-of-ways and lawns can be transformed into meadow habitat for pollinators.  Mowed rights-of-ways and lawns displace habitat for pollinating insects and wildlife. By not mowing we can help pollinators recover by converting lawns, green spaces, and rights-of-ways to pollinator habitat meadows.

Join the restoration revolution by visiting CWF’s website Grow it! Don’t Mow it! To learn more about how you can manage your property visit the  information for home and property owners page. 

Seed Giveaways

Every year we give away our Lanark County Native Seed Mix to residents. This mix is created by Northern Wildflowers and consists of 24 pollinator friendly native plants. Typically this mix is given away at our Lanark County Fall Tree Giveaway while supplies last. If you missed out on our giveaway this year, your can purchase seeds at Northern Wildflowers.

Mayors’ Monarch Pledge

Lanark County has pledged to create habitat for the monarch butterfly and other pollinators through the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors' Monarch Pledge. Each year, the warden of Lanark County announces our pledge to create habitat for the monarch butterfly and pollinators, and to educate citizens about how they can make a difference at home and in their community. Lanark County has been recognized as part of the Leadership Circle.

For more information on how you or your community can get involved with pollinator projects please contact us at roads@lanarkcounty.ca  or 613-267-1353.

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