Lanark County's purchasing division facilitates the strategic acquisition of goods, services and construction for the County through adherence to the County's Procurement Policy. We strive to obtain required goods and/or services for the County while achieving the best value through a transparent, fair and competitive process.

Bidding opportunities are completed by various methods. They may be posted below, completed using standing offers or sent directly to suppliers.

Notice of Intent to use Canoe for County Procurement

Bidding opportunities 


Please visit Bids & Tenders for current bidding opportunities and submissions.

Unconfirmed Construction Tender Bid Summaries

PW-C-01-2025-25-E0 -CR10 (Scotch Line) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-02-2025-25-E0 -CR15 (Ferguson Falls Rd.) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-03-2025-25-E0 - CR17 (Derry Sd. Rd.) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-05-2025-25-E0 - CR20 (Waba Rd.) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-06-2025-25-E0 - CR43 (Hwy 43) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-07-2025-25-E0 - CR511 (Hwy511) Road Rehabilitation

PW-C-08-2025-25-E0 - Culvert Replacement Program

PW-C-09-2025-25-E0 - Micro Surfacing

PW-C-10-2025-25-E0 - Shouldering


Documents referenced in bidding documents

In support of its sustainability objectives, the County no longer provides a copy of the below documents as part of its bidding documents.

Accessibility - Customer Service Standards Policy

Clean Equipment Protocol for Industry

Health and Safety Contractor Program

Payment Adjustment for Changes in the Fuel Price Index

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