Lanark County Media Release - March 9, 2022

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Wednesday, March 9.
Report on OVRT Safety Considerations Accepted: Council accepted a report outlining safety considerations on the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail (OVRT).
At the economic development committee meeting last month, CAO Kurt Greaves indicated the Trails Sub-Committee regularly reviews safety issues at its bi-monthly meetings, and there is regular communication between the sub-committee; Lanark County staff; Lanark County OPP; the OPP East Region Snowmobile, ATV and Vessel Enforcement (SAVE) Team; and insured trail user groups (snowmobile and ATV clubs). Safety considerations also include:
- Signed user group agreements and proof of insurance requirements, along with a requirement for motorized users to have trail passes, which require a valid licence and insurance.
- Carleton Place has added a separate paved pedestrian trail for non-motorized use.
- There are 37 roadway gates to keep cars and trucks off the trail, and rule signs are posted at each gate, including the public works 24-hour phone number for emergency response.
- The e-mail address is managed by public works and allows for the creation of work orders related to the trail
- Lit “Community Safety Zone 20 km/hr” signs are located at town borders and include hours of operation and “no motorcycles” information.
- Pedestrian crossovers were added at Townline Road in Carleton Place and Bridge Street in Almonte.
- Marked crosswalks have been added to town streets in Carleton Place.
- Eight trail-side signs were added last year (four each in Almonte and Carleton Place) that say “Please Slow Down, 20km, Thank You.”
- Barrel pylons marked “Reduce Speed 20 km/h” have been added across the trail to reduce speed in four urban locations.
Regular ongoing maintenance includes brushing/mowing for sightlines, adding calcium to reduce dust, spraying/hand pulling noxious weeds, ditching and drainage improvements to prevent washouts and flooding, installation of parking lots for better access/safer parking, and regular patrol of the trail to identify maintenance issues.
“The trails sub-committee will continue to look at safety enhancements,” Greaves said. “The county takes trail safety concerns seriously and is constantly working to ensure best practices are in place.” For more information, contact Kurt Greaves, CAO, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1101.
Accessible Designation for Portions of OVRT Approved: Council has approved designating areas of the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail (OVRT) within the urban boundaries of Almonte and Carleton Place as “accessible recreational trail” and the remainder as “wilderness trail.” This means the county has 4.95 kilometres of accessible sections on the OVRT.
At the economic development committee meeting last month, CAO Kurt Greaves explained the OVRT has complex management challenges by trying to provide a multi-use trail that caters to both
motorized and non-motorized demographics. “Designating parts of the rail as wilderness sections and accessible sections will allow for different trail standards in effectively the same corridor.”
Greaves said the trail standards and duty of care change between the classifications. “Generally, the sections within town limits are classified as accessible and must meet the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA).” He added the wilderness classification has lower duty of care, but both follow best practices like other multi-use trails.
“Disability inclusion allows for people with disabilities, visible or non-visible, to take advantage of the benefits of the same health promotion and prevention activities experienced by people who do not have a disability,” he said.
The accessible sections are from the Highway 7 underpass to Townline Road in Carleton Place (2.81 km), and from 800 metres south of John Street (just past the baseball field) to Carrs Street in Almonte (2.14 km). For more information, contact Kurt Greaves, CAO, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1101.
County Examines Consent Approvals Process: Council has asked staff to further examine the process for the delegation of authority to the county planner for undisputed, non-contentious consent applications as part of a review of the consent approvals process.
An initial report was brought to the economic development committee by County Planner Julie Stewart last month following a report from the Land Division Committee in December that outlined the evolution of the current process and some of its challenges. Staff were asked to examine the consent approval process in other municipalities to allow for consideration of other options.
Stewart’s initial report reviewed the delegation of authority for consents and some of the planning functions provided by the county, as well as some possible options. She outlined the role and structure of the land division committee, which consists of three members and one alternate appointed by council for the term of council. Under the Planning Act, the committee is quasi-judicial and considers development application approvals for lot creation. Currently all consent applications are reviewed by the committee for a decision. Applications have increased substantially in number and complexity in the last five years, with submissions in 2021 at the highest level since 2005.
Stewart summarized the approvals process for comparable municipalities in eastern Ontario. The next report, expected this spring, will further examine the process for delegating authority to the county planner for undisputed, non-contentious consent applications, as well as feedback from local municipalities about proposed changes. A planning working group will also be established. For more information, contact Julie Stewart, County Planner, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1520.
Council Supports Request for More Infrastructure Funding: Council passed a motion to support a resolution from the Township of Puslinch to request additional provincial and federal funding support for infrastructure projects, specifically major bridge/culvert replacements in rural municipalities.
The resolution will be forwarded to Ontario Premier Doug Ford, as well as the Ontario and federal finance ministers, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all Ontario municipalities. For more information, contact Jasmin Ralph, Clerk, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502.
In-Person Attendance for Public Permitted: Council passed a motion to permit the return of in- person attendance by the public to council and committee meetings effective immediately, subject to public health guidelines. Clerk Jasmin Ralph indicated the county will still support electronic attendance and will be reviewing options for livestreaming on a go-forward basis.
Members of the public can currently attend meetings virtually through Facebook, livestreamed at (a Facebook account is not required as it is a public page). Council will also be considering possible hybrid attendance options for councillors in the future. For more information, contact Jasmin Ralph, Clerk, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502.
County to Fly Ukrainian Flag: Council passed a motion authorizing an exemption to the county’s flag policy to allow the Ukrainian flag to be flown at the administration building. Staff are currently sourcing a flag.
Warden John Fenik (Perth Mayor) issued a statement last week condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine: march-2-2022.aspx
For more information, contact Jasmin Ralph, Clerk, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502.
Upcoming Meetings: County Council, Wednesday, March 23, 5 p.m.; Public Works, March 23 (following County Council); Economic Development, March 23 (following Public Works). County Council, Wednesday, April 13, 5 p.m.; Community Services, April 13 (following County Council); Corporate Services, April 13 (following Community Services). Watch for details about public access to meetings on agendas and through online notifications. For more information, contact 1-888-9- LANARK, ext. 1502. Like "LanarkCounty1" on Facebook and follow "@LanarkCounty1" on Twitter!
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