Media Release - Connection Room Opens at Lanark Lodge

For immediate release
March 28, 2023
Connection Room opens at Lanark Lodge
A special ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Thursday at Lanark Lodge to mark the opening of the Connection Room in the Maples Neighbourhood.
The design of the room is based on dementia-care research.
“The room aims to provide a supportive environment to those living with dementia – one that fosters life well-being,” explained Carey Duncan, director of long-term care. “This includes creating an environment where residents and their loved ones can engage with each other and with staff in a way that is safe and comfortable.”
The room is set to host residents, families and team members in a café- and spa-like setting with the goal of providing a space for many moments of joy and connection.
“The Connection Room renovation was completed with these goals in mind and was inspired from feedback received from residents, families and Lanark Lodge team members,” said Warden Peter McLaren (Lanark Highlands Reeve).
The ribbon cutting was attended by many residents, families, team members, councillors and county staff, including Councillor Steve Fournier (Drummond/North Elmsley Reeve), Councillor Brian Dowdall (Beckwith Deputy Reeve), CAO Kurt Greaves, Clerk Jasmin Ralph, Recreation Manager and Renovation Lead Stacey McCord and Director of Long-Term Care Carey Duncan.
For more information/media interviews, contact:
Carey Duncan
Director of Long-Term Care
Lanark County
1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 7101
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