Media Release: County Council Nov. 27, 2024
For immediate release
Nov. 27, 2024
Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Nov. 27, 2024.
New Children’s Services Five-Year Plan Approved: Lanark County Council has approved the 2024 to 2029 Child Care and Early Years Service Plan, directing staff to forward the plan to the Ministry of Education. The strategic priorities include increasing accessibility of child care, ensuring its sustainability, offering high-quality programs, ensuring responsive engagement with providers, families, and community partners, and increasing inclusivity for children with special needs.
In a presentation to the community services committee earlier this month, Children’s Services Supervisor Chelsey Coe explained new plans are required every five years. She said consultations found a high demand for more affordable child-care spaces, a need for more organized waitlists, and that parents preferred centres or homes that provide licensed care and Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) spaces. In addition, Coe said 82 additional Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) are needed by 2027. The plan also focuses on inclusivity and best practices for children with special needs. Other challenges include having child-care options for parents who work part-time, overnights and weekends; a lack of transportation options for families and staff that limits their ability to reach their workplace or programs; and a general difficulty accessing child-care services.
The plan was developed following significant research, which included community consultations, several surveys and data analysis. The surveys were distributed online, in print and via social media, resulting in over 500 completed responses. Upon implementation, the service plan will be shared widely. Staff will solicit ongoing feedback from the community and its partners and continue to analyze the progress of plan implementation. For more information, contact Chelsey Coe, Children’s Services Supervisor, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 2306.
Motion Seeks Support for Infrastructure Funding: Lanark County Council has passed a motion that joins the Eastern Ontario Warden’s Caucus (EOWC), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in asking the federal and provincial governments to partner with municipalities by investing in new infrastructure and ongoing maintenance and repairs.
This comes as small, rural municipalities face insurmountable challenges in funding new and existing infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, clean water, wastewater, waste facilities and municipal buildings, including recreation facilities and libraries. The EOWC says the region’s capital infrastructure deficit has increased by 58 per cent since 2011, and the cost of the deficit is $6 billion and growing. FCM calculates municipalities across Canada are responsible for funding about 60 per cent of public infrastructure, but only receive 10 cents of every tax dollar. As well, in 2018, the Ontario government mandated municipalities to develop and fully fund capital asset management plans by July 2025.
The EOWC has released a regional Municipal Infrastructure Policy Paper showing key infrastructure data, highlighting challenges and opportunities for small rural municipalities to grow economically.
The partnership with the federal and provincial governments would create more sustainable opportunities for infrastructure investments. “The infrastructure deficit for small rural municipalities cannot be adequately addressed through property tax revenue, restricted municipal borrowing capacity and municipalities’ limited ability to generate revenue, and small rural taxpayers cannot afford dramatic increases to pay for the current and future infrastructure,” the motion states. It asks the federal and provincial government to immediately review data and work to implement solutions based on the EOWC’s Municipal Infrastructure Policy Paper. The motion will be widely circulated to federal and provincial politicians. For more information, contact Jasmin Ralph, Clerk, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502.
MPP Addresses County Councillors: Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston MPP John Jordan spoke to Lanark County Councillors as part of the corporate services committee meeting earlier this month, addressing issues related to Lanark County and answering questions.
Jordan reinforced that his office is there to support municipalities, and he shared information about provincial priorities. In health care he noted an increase in annual operating funding to hospitals and improvements in challenges with human resources. He also cited new local capital resources at hospitals, recognized the value of the community paramedicine program, and indicated the province continues work to increase long-term care beds. Jordan also touched on projected increases to OPP costs, stating the ministry has indicated it is actively working on a solution.
He added that in his current role as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness, they are working to increase production, consumption and exports in Ontario. He noted the province also has a priority related to infrastructure in order to meet housing demands and goals and spoke on infrastructure funding possibilities. Warden Steve Fournier thanked Jordan for his accessibility. For more information, contact Jasmin Ralph, Clerk, at 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502.
Upcoming Meetings: County Council, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 5 p.m.; Community Services, Dec. 4 (following County Council); Corporate Services, Dec. 4 (following Community Services). County Council, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5 p.m.; Public Works, Dec. 11 (following County Council); Economic Development, Dec. 11 (following Public Works). Watch for details about public access to meetings on agendas and through online notifications. For more information, contact 1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 1502. Like "LanarkCounty1" on Facebook and follow "@LanarkCounty1" on Instagram!
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