Media Release - Lanark County's 2023 construction projects outlined

For immediate release
April 25, 2023
Lanark County's 2023 construction projects outlined
Lanark County’s 2023 construction season is underway! In 2023, the public works department plans to complete pavement preservation on 27 kilometres of roads, with rehabilitation and paved shoulders scheduled for 21 km.
The total capital budget for this year is $11.9 million, with the federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), formerly known as the federal gas tax, covering almost $2 million, and $1 million covered by the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). The county oversees the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of more than 560 km of roads and 82 bridge and culvert structures.
“The county’s construction projects are planned over a 10-year window that is reviewed by council,” explained Terry McCann, public works director. “We assess the entire road system yearly and set priorities. Paving shoulders on all county roads continues to be a priority and we are making good progress.”
The cost of projects continues to be affected by rising inflation. Almost 17,000 tonnes of asphalt will be used this year, and asphalt prices have increased by 49% since 2021.
“Rising costs are a big consideration for our council when it comes to balancing the importance of safe and reliable municipal infrastructure and fiscal responsibility,” said Warden Peter McLaren (Lanark Highlands Reeve). “Having a strong plan to maintain and improve our roads and bridges is critical for our residents and visitors and for quality of life in Lanark County. It is one of our largest assets.”
Projects for 2023 include:
County Road 10 (Scotch Line): G. Tackaberry and Sons Construction Company Ltd. will be working on County Road 10 beginning Monday, April 24. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular material, completing drainage work and paving with warm mix asphalt for 4.5 km from west of Sumac Hill Road to the east of Stanleyville Road. Work is to be completed by June 23 at a cost of $1.3 million.
County Road 43 (Hwy. 43): Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 43 beginning on Aug. 7. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular material, drainage work, new curb gutter, asphalt boulevard and paving with two lifts of warm-mix asphalt from Port Elmsley Road to Station Road for 0.4 km. Work is to be completed by Sept. 8 at a cost of $310,108.
County Road 9 (Tatlock Road): Crain’s Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 9 beginning on April 24. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular and completing drainage work from Galbraith Road to Halls Mill Bridge. Double surface treatment with hardened shoulders will be placed throughout. Work is slated to be completed by June 9 at a cost of $704,915.
County Road 36 (Bolingbroke Road): Crain’s Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 36 beginning July 4 to Aug. 25. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular and completing drainage work from Hanna Road northerly for 2.5 km. Double surface treatment and warm-mix asphalt will be placed at a cost of $954,138.
County Road 20 (Waba Road): Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 20 beginning Aug. 7. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular, complete drainage and paving (including shoulders) with warm mix asphalt from PIN 2454 to Robertson Line, for a total length of 3 km. Work is scheduled to finish by Sept. 29 at a cost of $1.1 million.
County Road 17 (Derry Side Road): Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 17 beginning June 26. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular, completing drainage work and paving with warm-mix asphalt from Richmond Road northerly for 3.85 km. Work is scheduled to be completed Aug. 11 at a cost of $1.2 million.
County Road 16 (South Lavant Road): Crain’s Construction Ltd. will be working on County Road 16 beginning May 15. Work includes pulverizing, adding granular and completing drainage work from Morrison Lane to Reid Road for 1.4 km and from the intersection of County Road 16 and Lavant Mill Road easterly for 2.35 km. Double surface treatment with hardened shoulders will be placed throughout. Work is scheduled to be finished by June 30 at a cost of $622,171.
Rideau Ferry Bridge: Dalcon Constructors Ltd. has been contracted by Lanark County and the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville to rehabilitate the jointly owned Rideau Ferry Bridge, located on County Road 1, 6 km north of Hwy. 15 at a cost of $2.28 million. Work includes the replacement of the concrete curbs and steel railings, as well as the installation of a new concrete-wearing surface. To facilitate the bridge improvement work, traffic will be reduced to one 3.6-metre lane, using temporary traffic signals and temporary concrete barriers to protect the workers. Work is underway and is scheduled to be completed in July.
Culvert Replacement: Two culverts will be replaced and one removed on County Roads 43, 511 and 15 from July to August by Arnott Brothers Construction Ltd. at a cost of $118,680.
Microsurfacing: This pavement preservation work is scheduled to take place from June 5 to Aug. 4 on County Roads 511, 17, 14 and 29 by Miller Paving at a cost of $2 million.
Shouldering: A total of 11.6 km of shoulder gravel improvement will be taking place on Highway 511 by Thomas Cavanagh Construction Ltd. at a cost of $145,600.
McCann notes traffic may be reduced to one lane periodically during these projects and asks motorists to obey all signs and traffic control personnel during construction to ensure the safety of workers and the public. “We regret any inconvenience or disruption to traffic that may be caused.”
Also watch for the county’s public works crews cleaning bridges and conducting roadside mowing, pothole patching and sign repairs throughout the summer. Regular road maintenance activities through other contracts throughout the season include ditching, brushing, crack sealing, line painting and safety barrier repairs.
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For more information, contact:
Terry McCann
Director of Public Works
County of Lanark
1-888-9-LANARK, ext. 3190
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