Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care (CWELCC) Licensed Child Care Expansion 2024-2027

EOI-2024-01 Expression of Interest (EOI) Application

Lanark County has embarked on a five-year plan to increase licensed child care in Lanark County and invites licensed child care operators (Operators) who intend to create new child care spaces in Lanark County within the next four years (2024-2027) to submit their interest in expansion via this Expression of Interest (EOI).  The following documents are available and to be completed as part of the application process.



This timetable is provided for general guidance only. The following dates for submission are subject to change without necessity of addendum. The submission date represents the last date in which submissions will be accepted for each year, however Lanark County may accept an EOI and allocate spaces prior to the submission date. 



Submission Date

Expansion in 2024

June 30, 2024

Expansion in 2025

August 1, 2024

Expansion in 2026

August 1, 2025

Expansion in 2027

August 1, 2026


Submission Details

Operators must submit a copy of the full Expression of Interest (EOI) application to The subject line should read EOI-2024-01 CWELCC Licensed Child Care Expansion 2024–2027.

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