Moving to Long Term Care
Moving to Long Term Care
In preparation for moving to Long Term Care we have included some information that you may find helpful.
What you will need:
- Power of Attorney for both Personal Care & Property
- Copy of the First Page of Will showing the Executor of the Estate
- Copy of previous years' Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency (for those in Basic Accommodation wanting a Rate Reduction)
- A Void cheque to the account you want the monthly Accommodation Fees to come out of
- A cheque or cash to open a Resident Trust Account
- If you have a spouse who will be remaining in the Community, consider applying for the Involuntary Separation with Service Canada.
Day of Admission
All the Power of Attorney's (POA's) must be present the day of admission to sign legal documents. Upon your arrival you will meet with the administration staff to complete all financial paperwork. Your clothing will be taken to the laundry to be labelled by the seamstress. We recommend having pajamas and a change of clothes in an overnight bag. Once the financial paperwork is completed you will meet with nursing staff to get your medical information. After the completion of all paperwork you and 2 family members will then have lunch in your dining area, and then you can complete the set-up of your room.
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